Day 12 Mission Report
Morning Operations
The crew got a quick start to the day, completing all surveys, corsi block tests, and breakfast before even starting the EVA. As the mission moves along, the crew is becoming more and more familiar with the everyday tasks and becoming increasingly more efficient.
EVA Operations
The entire crew participated in a live stream of today's EVA. MS Guthrie and MS Lojek conducted the EVA while MS Pierce and MC Trevino performed duties as the IVA personnel. The EVA consisted of a hab check and medical assistive device demonstration, a tour of the habitat, along with live questions and answers for the viewing audience. Special thanks to Scott Van Hoy for his assistance as moderator for the broadcast.
The crew also utilized an interactive EVA procedure and checklist document that they developed and tested over the course of the ILMAH mission.
Plant Module Operations
The plant module suffered a heat spike yesterday and a significantly dry evening, which caused the radishes, arugula and basil, growing in the Pods that NASA provided us, to wilt badly. Only a few recovered, and that mission op suffered a failure. But the lesson learned and the technology of those pods is an industry game changer. The specific cause points to the humidity reaching below 20% and the temperature stayed above 73F.
The other experiments seemed to hold on, in particular, the radish growing the Mars Regolith simulant. That experiment is winning. As the end of the mission approaches, the team will have a chance to taste the microgreens, with a bit of salt n pepper.
Onward to Mars!
Evening Operations
The ILMAH crew recorded a podcast today that recapped the last 12 days in the habitat. The discussion covered the various research projects the crew has been working on, along with the positive takes as well as some of the challenges faced. You can find the discussion here, on APUS Analog Research Group YouTube page (APUS ARG Astro).

Being that it is one of the later days in the game and we are going to be leaving early Sunday, we started getting the hab setup for that event and cleaned up. Someone did some “laundry” in the pink party bucket that normally houses the gloves on the white gloves used as liners when in the suits. All crew cleaned everywhere in the hab as well and it’s nearly ready for egress.
Crews due in September from the University of North Dakota and our APUS/AMU, in late September. will arrive to a clean and ready habitat.