The crew awoke and had a breakfast of oatmeal and coffee.
Daily Report:
EVA Operations
EVA operations are complete for this analog simulation.

Water Electrolysis
Electrolysis was conducted today using aluminum conductors. Experiments were tested in a solution of tap water (solvent) at 2,000 mL, and sodium (solute) at 300 mL. All tests were powered by a DC converter pushing a force potential of 21.3V through alligator clamps,
rendering an electric current of 10 Amps, which quickly dropped to 6.4 Amps after electrochemical reactions oxidized the Cathode. This means that the positive
charge weakened as the Aluminum cathode became less reactive and acquired less electrons from the DC Converter. This resulted in a generation of only 48 mL of isolated Hydrogen in 4 minutes, and a generation of 120 mL of isolated Oxygen from the negatively charged Aluminum, or anode.

Aluminum proved to be a very efficient conductor in the solution mix, isolating enough Oxygen to keep the average human alive for 24 minutes, in only 4 Minutes of electrolysis operations. Compared to Mission Day 10’s experiments, todays operations (Mission Day 11) gave the exact opposite electrochemical hindrance. Instead of the anode (negatively charged conductor that isolates Oxygen) suffering from slow electrochemical reactions causing the conductor to leave behind large amounts of corrosion and be less conductive, today the Cathode (positively charged conductor that isolates Hydrogen) suffered from severe corrosion. Although today’s experiments resulted in the failure of a sustainable electrochemical environment, the process was highly efficient. This data is very useful in our mission of finding the best environment to conduct electrolysis efficiently and sustainably.
Stress Mitigation Study
The first focused-breathing session was conducted from 1517-1527, the second from 1617-1627, and a third was from 2235-2245. Data still continues to be collected and analyzed for this project and as the project nears completion, it is showing some correlation between focused breathing and reduced stress for two of the three (current) crew members. Further analysis of the data post mission without any focused breathing will be conducted.
Humanure Plant Study
The remaining soil tests are underway. It was discovered that the amount of NPK within the ratio mixtures did not change among the high regolith mixtures. It was also discovered that the Sweet Pepper seedling had in fact sprouted. Again, the seedling had moved to a depth that prevented the seedling from receiving light from the grow light. This will be addressed when the reservoir and seeding pot are re-designed. This discovery also drives a change in the S.O.P. when setting up the wicking pots. All vegetation, excluding one, have been deconstructed for testing and observations. The remaining plant (cucumber) will be examined tomorrow.
Other experiments and notes
UND experiments completed. The Hamana plants were harvested today.