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AARG-1M: Mission Day 10

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Crew 274 Journalist Report 2-8-2023

Sol: 10

Author: Tony DiBernardo, Crew Journalist

Title: KURT II

Crew 274 woke up this morning at 7:30am to the song “The Final Countdown” from Europe. The crew got their surveys done, then prepared for another double EVA day utilizing KURT, the Kinetic Utilization Research Tool.

EVA Activity

Two EVAs were completed which closes out Commander Guthrie’s research on methods for rescuing incapacitated astronauts on the surface of the Moon or Mars. The study observes the performance of a medical sled in a Martian-like terrain and the use of an assistive device, rescue vest, with specialized handles for picking up the downed astronauts. The vest represents hoist points on the hard upper torso (HUT) which is the hardened structure of the spacesuit.

The intent is to learn if assistive rescue handles attached to the HUT can improve the life-saving capability of surface activities when astronauts are on interplanetary missions. NASA's Artemis missions outline the necessity for proper suit interface and hoist connections for rescues. This study aims to use combat experiences for extracting members from the field and applying those concepts to Lunar and Martian missions.

Hab Design

Hab Specialist O'Hara continued his evaluation of habitats for this post-doctoral study and for Blue Origin by beginning his evaluation of the crew living quarters and galley.


Crew astronomers Loy and Pena observed detailed heliophysics phenomena today as they collected bulk data sets on solar dark spots and solar chromosphere prominences. Large prominences were observed wrapping around solar magnetic fields, just before solar flares were registered by NOAA blasting away from the sun. In total, 16 large solar prominences and 12 solar dark spots were observed today. These observations will be very useful for the astronomer's analysis of solar cycle 25, how space weather implicates orbital assets, space operations planning to safeguard those assets, and the importance of having heliophysics astronomers on-site at Martian Habitats. On top of these observations, 80,000 images were captured, and 20,000 solar spots and prominences were stacked, measured, and analyzed.


65 separate 45-second long exposure images were collected from the MLCRCOS-16 New Mexico Observatory. These images are being separately captured through visual, infrared, and blue filters, assisting Astronomers Pena and Loy's science on HADS variable star research. 15 images were stacked, analyzed, and compared to previous images of this star system, HADS Variable Star V0799 AUR, to provide an assessment of this variable star's brightness variability period and cycle, as well as provide a true-brightness standard to accurately measure distances in the immediate vicinity of HADS V0799 AUR's stellar neighborhood.


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