ARG-1M is the first mission that APUS students have undertaken at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) in Utah that is owned and operated by The Mars Society nonprofit organization. This mission lasted for 12 days during Winter 2023 where the crew conducted a series of experiments from UCF and APUS.

The MDRS Primary Facility has a diameter equivalent to a SpaceX Starship
Crew Introduction
COVID had delayed the MDRS mission progression and start date. This caused time availability issues so that MDRS ARG-1M only had 3 of the originally selected crew members on the mission. During planning and waiting for mission execution the crew evolved over the years as we waited for COVID restrictions and quarantines to be lifted.
The final crew selection roster with call signs (organized from left to right):
Hab Specialist, Secondary Engineer William O'Hara - Titan
Health/Safety Officer Nicholas Pender - XMan
Engineer Alexis Lojek - Kelper
Heliophysics Noah Loy - Phoenix
Green Hab Officer Tyler Hines - Houston
Journalist Tony DiBernardo - Ironman
Chief Astronomer Salina Pena - Nova
Commander Sarah Guthrie - Ceres

Daily Mission Logs: Coming Soon!