The crew awoke at 0900CST.
Daily Report:
Water Electrolysis
Successfully stored 250 mL of hydrogen and 150 mL of oxygen into 100 mL glad test tubes using syringe potomoters. These will be safely released during tomorro’s EVA. Test was conducted on a solution mix of 500 mL distilled water and 20 mg of iodine salt. Tests ran for two hours at 15V, rendering 2.2 amps. This test was 12% less efficient than a solution mix of tap water and 20 mg of sodium hydroxide.
First non-isolated chemical reaction was successfully conducted on the H2-O2 electrolyzer.

EVA Operations
No EVAs were conducted today. The final EVAs will be completed tomorrow or the day after, but tomorrow’s weather forecast looks ideal. Stress Mitigation Study The first focused-breathing session was conducted from 1016-1026, the second from 1531-1541, and a third will be completed before the crew rest for the night. Data still continues to be collected and analyzed for this project.
Humanure Plant Study
The red pepper plant, in the lowest ratio mixture, was reseeded with a cucumber seed. When the red peppers soil was tested, all NPK levels were extremely low, allowing for a marginally small chance of sprouting. 50mL of water was added to the top soil of the new cucumber plant. During the soil tests conducted today, it was determined that across all three mixture ratios the pH level doesn’t change significantly. Although, the Phosphorus and Potassium levels ranged widely. This shows that the worm casting is adjusting the “plant food” appropriately within the regolith.
Other experiments and notes
UND experiments completed.