The team completed an EVA with the UND-NASA rover on MD6. Commander Miller was at the wheel, while Mission Specialist Malnack operated the camera for observation of the exterior of the habitat. They made it up to a thrilling 5 miles per hour during their excursion and had some great views of the landscape.
Following the morning EVA, the team returned to the hab for a breakfast of eggs and oatmeal, and a team meeting. For the rest of the day, the crew tended to their daily research data collection, completed their surveys, and filmed some interviews of each other to be used post-mission.
Mission Specialist Turner completed a Cardio Breath session this morning prior to the EVA, and she reported that the seeds in the GreenHab are growing well. No growth from the Mars regolith yet, but Turner hasn’t given up hope. UND’s Hamama study is progressing nicely, with lots of green to be observed. Malnack’s MRE study continues, and the summer heat appears to have a large impact on his appetite and ability to eat a third MRE. However, he is doing great mentally and physically!
ARG-4i Crew:
Crew Commander - Dennis Miller
Mission Specialist - Olivia Turner
Mission Specialist - Beau Malnack